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I thought I was going insane

  • 1 go

    ɡəu 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) gå, dra, reise
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) bli sendt, skulle sendes
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) gå (til); bli solgt
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) gå, føre
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) gå på
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) bli fjernet
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) gå, forløpe, utvikle seg
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) dra, gå
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) forsvinne
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) skal gjøre (noe)
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) ryke, gå
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) virke
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) bli (fordervet, osv.)
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) være, gå
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) høre hjemme, ha sin plass
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.)
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) bli brukt på/til
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) være lov
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) lage en lyd, si
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) lyde
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) gå bra, være en suksess
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) forsøk
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) futt, fart, pågangsmot
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) vellykket
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) eksisterende, nåværende, vanlig
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) klarsignal, grønt lys
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go
    subst. \/ɡəʊ\/
    1) ( hverdagslig) hendelse, sak, historie
    2) omgang, runde, kule
    3) futt, tæl, pågangsmot, krutt, smell, sving, klem
    4) ( hverdagslig) forsøk
    5) ( hverdagslig) glass, runde
    to glass rom, takk
    6) ( hverdagslig) suksess
    7) porsjon, dose
    all the go eller quite the go eller the go siste skrik, trendy, på moten
    at one go på første forsøk, på én gang, i strekk
    be on the go ( hverdagslig) være på farten, være i gang, være i bevegelse
    be (all) the go være motebevisst, følge siste mote
    from go to whoa fra begynnelse til slutt
    full of go eller have plenty of go full av fart
    have a go at something forsøke seg på noe, gjøre et forsøk på noe
    make a go of something lykkes med noe, ha fremgang med noe
    a near go nære på, på håret
    no go ( sport) tjuvstart ( overført) ingen vits i, nytteløst, feilslått, mislykket
    a rum go tøff behandling, hard medfart ( foreldet) en overraskende begivenhet, et merkelig utfall, en snodig affære
    that's a go eller here's a go litt av en røre, litt av en suppe
    verb ( went - gone) \/ɡəʊ\/
    1) dra, reise, gå, kjøre, ferdes
    2) gå på, delta i, være medlem av
    3) gå omkring (og være), forbli
    4) begi seg, dra av gårde, gå
    jeg skal hjem \/ jeg går hjem
    5) ( særlig om noe negativt) bli, endre tilstand
    6) strekke seg, lede, føre til, gå til
    is this the road that goes into town?
    7) ( om tid) gå, passere, forløpe
    8) ( om utfallet av noe) gå, lykkes
    how did your application go?
    9) være på farten, jobbe, stå på
    10) gjøre
    when you draw a bow you go like this...
    når du skal spenne buen gjør du slik...
    11) sette i gang, begynne
    go when you hear the bell!
    12) harmonere, passe til, passe sammen
    13) ( om maskiner e.l.) funksjonere, gå, være i gang
    14) ( om gjenstander) høre til, høre hjemme, ha sin plass, være, stå, ligge, henge
    where do you want your piano to go?
    15) ( hverdagslig) gå på do
    please, Sir! I have to go!
    16) bli solgt for
    17) gå tom for, slippe opp for, ta slutt, gå unna, bruke opp
    we'll have to stop at the next service station, the petrol's nearly gone
    vi må stoppe på neste bensinstasjon, det er nesten tomt for bensin
    18) forsvinne, gå tapt, ryke, gå i vasken
    19) avskaffes, oppheves, oppgis, ofres
    20) opphøre, ta slutt, gå over, gi seg
    21) avskjediges, slutte, måtte gå
    22) gå konkurs, gå over ende
    23) avta, svikte, gi etter
    24) dø, gå bort
    the old man went peacefully at 3 a.m.
    25) få plass, romme, gå ned, gå inn i
    26) ( matematikk) gå opp i
    27) ( om lyd) gå, lyde, kime, si, smelle
    the gun went bang!
    28) (om tekster, dikt, sanger e.l.) lyde, sies, gå
    the story goes that...
    det sies at...
    can you remember how that song goes?
    29) ( om valuta) være gangbar, være gyldig, gå
    amerikanske dollar går\/er gyldige nesten overalt
    30) være akseptabelt, være tillatt, være lov
    31) ha det siste ordet
    når jeg sier det, blir det slik
    32) gjøre, foreta, gjennomføre
    33) (amer., hverdagslig) strekke seg til
    I'll go $500 for a suit but no more
    jeg kan strekke meg til 500 dollar for en dress, men ikke mer
    34) (amer., hverdagslig) vedde, sette, melde
    I'll go $5 on the queen of hearts
    35) (amer., hverdagslig) holde ut
    36) (amer., hverdagslig) smake, ha lyst på
    37) (hverdagslig, ofte i indirekte tale) si
    so I go, what'd you do that for?
    og så sier jeg bare, hvorfor gjorde du det, 'a?
    as something goes hva angår
    she is not very old, as grandmothers go
    as things go som vanlig
    come and go secome, 2
    go about ( om rykter e.l.) gå, være i omløp, sirkulere, ryktes
    a rumour is going about...
    det ryktes at...
    ta en omvei
    ( sjøfart) gå baut, stagvende gå i gang med, sette i gang, gripe noe an
    utføre, skjøtte, passe
    go about with gå sammen med, henge sammen med, være sammen med
    go after gå etter, løpe etter
    forsøke å få tak i, forsøke å skaffe seg, være ute etter
    go against gå imot, motstå
    (om følelser, prinsipper) gå på tvers av ( om avgjørelser e.l.) gå imot, være i disfavør
    go ahead fortsette, gå på sette i gang, starte
    go ahead!
    sett i gang! \/ kjør i vei!
    gå (fort) fremover, rykke frem, vinne frem, gjøre fremskritt
    gå i forveien, dra i forveien
    ta ledelsen, gå forbi, passere
    (også overført)
    go along with være enig med, si seg enig i
    go all out ( hverdagslig) ta seg helt ut
    go all the way with være helt enig med ( sport) være på høyde med
    go around eller go round (spesielt amer., om fly) avbryte et landingsforsøk og prøve på nytt
    go around with gå sammen med, henge sammen med
    go at gyve løs på
    go back ( om klokken) bli stilt tilbake ha kjent hverandre lenge
    go back on svikte, gå tilbake på (hva en har sagt)
    go bad bli dårlig, bli bedervet
    go from bad to worse gå fra asken til ilden
    go down (om skip, fly) gå ned, synke, krasje tape, bli slått
    bli husket, bli skrevet ned
    ( overført) bli mottatt (av publikum)
    bli slukt, bli svelget, gli ned
    (amer., hverdagslig) skje
    (britisk, hverdagslig) fullføre studier (særlig ved Oxford eller Cambridge) (britisk, hverdagslig) bli satt i fengsel
    go down on somebody (vulgært, slang, om oralsex) sokke noen, suge noen, slikke noen
    go down with ( britisk) begynne å bli syk (av en spesifisert sykdom)
    go for bestemme seg for, velge
    how I wish he had gone for the other candidate!
    angripe, gå løs på
    bli solgt for, gå for
    gjelde, angå everyone
    everyone listen - that goes for you too, young man!
    go for it! ikke gi deg!
    go forward ( om klokken) bli stilt frem
    go in for delta, melde seg på
    like, gå på, delta i (regelmessig)
    go into kjøre inn i, kollidere gå inn på, undersøke
    ( matematikk) gå (opp) i
    how many times does 3 go into 18?
    go off (om våpen, bomber e.l.) eksplodere, antenne ( om alarm) gå
    ( hverdagslig) miste selvbeherskelsen, «gå i lufta» (spesielt britisk, om mat) bli dårlig, bli bedervet, bli sur (spesielt britisk, hverdagslig) miste lysten på, begynne å mislike
    ( om følelse) avta gradvis, gå over
    hun kunne ikke fortsette å arbeide der snakke ustoppelig, mase
    ( i gjengitt direkte tale) fortsette (å snakke) etter et kort opphold
    'I don't think so', she went on
    ( hverdagslig) kom igjen
    go on, tell him!
    hende, finne sted, skje, foregå
    ( ofte med infinitiv) gå videre, fortsette
    (hverdagslig, ofte negativt) like, ha noe til overs for, synes om
    go out ( om lys e.l.) slukne ( om tidevann) ebbe, avta, bli lavvann gå ut (av huset)
    være sammen med, ha følge med
    ( golf) spille de første ni hullene i en omgang på atten ( i kortspill) kaste kortene, kvitte seg med kortene en har på hånden
    go over gjennomgå
    can we go over the procedure once more, please
    gå over til, endre standpunkt, konvertere
    ( spesielt om en handling eller opptreden) bli godt mottatt, gå hjem hos (publikum)
    go round eller go around ( om hjul e.l.) gå rundt, dreie rundt ( om mat) rekke rundt, være tilstrekkelig
    ( overført) fungere, gå
    go through gjennomgå, lide
    gå igjennom, lete igjennom
    jeg måtte lete igjennom hele beholdningen for å finne boken du spurte etter
    gjennomføre, fullføre, ferdigstille, avslutte
    ( hverdagslig) bruke (opp)
    ( om bøker) bli utgitt (i flere opplag)
    (austr., hverdagslig) stikke av (fra en forpliktelse)
    go to! ( gammeldags) gi deg!
    go under ( om forretning e.l.) gå konkurs ( om person) gå dukken, dø, bryte sammen
    go up ( om et byggverk) bli reist eksplodere, antenne (plutselig)
    (britisk, hverdagslig) begynne ved et universitet (spesielt Oxford eller Cambridge)
    go with si seg enig med, gi tillatelse til ha et (seksuelt) forhold til
    go without være foruten, klare seg uten, forsake
    he gave his children what they wanted, even if he had to go without
    adj. \/ɡəʊ\/
    (romteknologi, hverdagslig) (start)klar

    English-Norwegian dictionary > go

  • 2 loco

    1 crazy, cracked, batty, crazed.
    2 crazy.
    madman, crackpot, crazy person, head case.
    * * *
    1 (gen) mad, crazy, insane
    2 (muy ocupado) terribly busy
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 lunatic, insane person
    a lo loco any old how
    como un,-a loco,-a like mad
    estar loco,-a de alegría to be over the moon
    estar loco,-a por alguien to be mad about somebody
    hacer el loco to act wild
    hacerse el/la loco,-a to pretend to know nothing, act dumb
    ¡ni loco,-a! no way!
    volver loco,-a a alguien to drive somebody crazy, drive somebody mad
    volverse loco,-a to go mad
    loco,-a de remate stark raving mad
    * * *
    1. (f. - loca)
    crazy, mad
    2. (f. - loca)
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=no cuerdo) mad, crazy

    ¿estás loco? — are you mad o crazy?

    no seas loco, eso es muy arriesgado — don't be stupid, that's very risky

    una brújula locaa compass whose needle no longer points north

    estaba loco de alegríahe was mad o wild with joy

    andar o estar loco con algo — (=preocupado) to be worried to death about sth; (=contento) to be crazy about sth

    está loco por algn/algo, está loco por esa chica — he's mad o crazy about that girl

    anda o está loca por irse a Inglaterra — she's mad keen to go to England

    tener o traer loco a algn, este asunto me tiene o trae loco — this business is driving me crazy

    volver loco a algn — to drive sb mad, drive sb round the bend

    volverse loco — to go insane, go mad

    2) (=frenético) hectic
    3) * (=enorme)
    SM / F lunatic, madman/madwoman

    el loco de César se ha comprado otro cochethat lunatic o madman César has bought another car

    correr como un loco — to run like mad

    gritar como un loco — to shout like a madman, shout one's head off

    hacerse el loco — to act the fool

    es un loco perdidohe's stark raving mad

    ponerse como un loco — to start acting like a madman/madwoman

    SM Chile abalone, false abalone
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.
    Ex. Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.
    Ex. Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex. Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex. Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex. It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex. When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex. Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex. Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex. The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex. This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex. The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex. This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex. Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex. Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex. The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex. The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex. Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex. 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex. Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex. Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex. A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex. He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex. This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex. Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex. The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex. He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex. Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex. I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex. ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo
    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane
    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq)

    este tipo está medio loco — (fam) the guy's not all there (colloq)

    no seas loco, te vas a matar — don't be stupid, you'll kill yourself

    ¿disculparme yo? ni (que estuviera) loco! — what, me apologize? not in a million years!

    hacer algo a lo locoto do something any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq)

    estar loco de remate or de atar — (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq)

    tener or (Esp) traer loco a alguien — to be driving somebody crazy (colloq)

    c) (contento, entusiasmado)

    están locos con el nietothey're besotted with their grandchild

    d) (fam) ( ajetreado)

    loco de algo: estaba loca de alegría she was blissfully happy; está loco de celos he's wild with jealousy; estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain; está loca de amor — she's madly in love

    - ca masculino, femenino
    1) ( enfermo mental) (m) madman; (f) madwoman

    maneja or (Esp) conduce como un loco — he drives like a lunatic

    corrimos como locos — (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq)

    el loco de Javier se vino a pie — Javier walked here, mad fool that he is

    hay mucho loco suelto — (fam) there are a lot of weirdos about (colloq)

    cada loco con su tema — (fam) to each his own

    la loca de la casa — (liter) the imagination

    2) loco masculino (Zool) abalone
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], demented, crazed, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], bananas, mad, insane, deranged, out of + Posesivo + mind, lunatic, nut, bonkers, wacko, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, berserk, wacky [wackier -comp., wackiest -sup.], madman, nutter, off + Posesivo + nut, kook, daffy [daffier -comp., daffiest -sup.], loony [loonier -comp., looniest -sup], maniac, out of + Posesivo + senses, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, moonstruck.

    Ex: Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.

    Ex: Without the ability to select when faced with these choices we would be like demented dogs chasing every attractive smell that reaches our noses in complete confusion of purpose.
    Ex: Many of the inhabitants were shot dead or injured by a crazed gunman.
    Ex: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex: It is frequently lack of that causes teachers to accuse children of being lazy, uncooperative, insubordinate, rude, or plain bananas.
    Ex: When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex: Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.
    Ex: Accessing the web today is like entering a large library, where there is no catalogue but where a deranged janitor has assembled in the lobby a few pages torn from the indexes of randomly selected volumes.
    Ex: The article ' Out of their minds: legal theory in neural networks' criticises the use of neural networks in law.
    Ex: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.
    Ex: The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on ' nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.
    Ex: This client was bonkers, but believable.
    Ex: Varieties of bad bosses include disagreeable taskmasters, overly ambitious artists, and outright ' wackos'.
    Ex: Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex: The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex: Today, hyperbolic comic and cartoon imagery is an established movie aesthetic -- a berserk but ironic Pop Art expressionism.
    Ex: 'Open Season' is a wild and wacky animated comedy set in the town of Timberline.
    Ex: Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.
    Ex: Even if we do come up with an alternative to nuclear power, in the future, there will be nutters protesting that as well.
    Ex: A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.
    Ex: He then ended his affair with Mia, Bram's housekeeper cum lottery winner and daughter of the kook who swears he was abuducted by aliens.
    Ex: This isn't as daffy as it seems to us as we hustle about on the verge of the third millennium.
    Ex: Some loud loonies are not dangerous to the library while others may be; the librarian needs to be able to guess which is which.
    Ex: The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.
    Ex: He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes and in some things, absolutely out of his senses.
    Ex: Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex: I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex: ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * buscando como loco = in hot pursuit of.
    * casa de locos = lunatic asylum, madhouse, bedlam.
    * casa de los locos = asylum, mental asylum, madhouse.
    * chillar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * como loco = like hell, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, like a madman.
    * como un loco = like crazy, like crazy, like mad, like a lunatic, madly, like a madman.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * gritar como un loco = shout + Posesivo + head off, scream + Posesivo + head off, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + head, shout at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + voice, scream at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs, scream like + a banshee, wail like + a banshee.
    * hacerse el loco = act + dumb, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have heard, pretend + not to have seen, turn + a deaf ear to.
    * idea loca = wild thought.
    * loco como una cabra = raving lunatic.
    * loco de alegría = chuffed to bits.
    * loco de atar = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic, stir-crazy.
    * loco de contento = chuffed to bits.
    * loco del deporte = sports freak.
    * loco de remate = barking mad, certified madman.
    * loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.
    * ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.
    * parecer loco = sound + crazy.
    * ponerse como loco = get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * sine loco (s.l.) = s.l. (sine loco).
    * trabajar como un loco = work off + Posesivo + shoes.
    * volver a Alguien loco = drive + Alguien + up a wall, drive + Alguien + to despair, drive + Alguien + mad, drive + Alguien + insane, drive + Alguien + crazy, drive + Alguien + nuts, drive + Alguien + potty.
    * volver loco = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend, piss + Nombre + off.
    * volver loco a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops, push + Alguien + over the edge.
    * volverse loco = go + bananas, take + leave of + Posesivo + senses, go + mad, run + amok, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, go + berserk, go + postal, go + wild, go + crazy, go + nuts, go + potty, get + a buzz from, go out of + Posesivo + mind, throw + a wobbly, go off + the rails, throw + a wobbler, go + haywire, go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * volverse loco de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * volverse loco por = sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go + gaga (over).

    * * *
    loco1 -ca
    1 ( Med, Psic) mad, insane
    2 (chiflado) crazy ( colloq), nuts ( colloq), mad ( BrE colloq)
    este tipo está medio loco ( fam); this guy's not all there ( colloq), this guy's a bit cracked ( colloq)
    ¡pero ustedes están or ( AmL) son locos! you must be crazy o mad o insane o out of your mind! ( colloq)
    no seas loco, te vas a matar don't be so stupid o foolish, you'll kill yourself
    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that, nothing in the world would make me do that o induce me to do that
    ¿disculparme yo? ¡ni (que estuviera) loco! what, me apologize? not in a million years o no way o never!
    llenó el formulario a lo loco she completed the form any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how ( colloq)
    gasta dinero a lo loco he spends money like water o like there's no tomorrow
    estar loco de remate or de atar ( fam); to be stark raving o stark staring mad, to be nutty as a fruitcake ( colloq), to be completely nuts ( colloq), to be mad as a hatter ( BrE)
    traer or tener loco a algn ( Esp); to be driving sb mad o crazy o up the wall o round the bend ( colloq)
    volver loco a algn to drive sb mad o crazy ( colloq)
    vuelve locos a los hombres she drives men wild ( colloq)
    el chocolate me vuelve loca I adore chocolate, I'm a chocolate addict ( colloq)
    volverse loco to go mad
    este desorden es para volverse loco this mess is enough to drive you crazy ( colloq)
    (contento, entusiasmado): están locos con el nieto they're besotted with o crazy about their grandchild
    está loca por él she's mad o crazy o wild about him ( colloq)
    está loco por verla/por que le presenten a Laura he's dying o ( BrE) mad keen to see her/to be introduced to Laura ( colloq)
    es loco por las aceitunas (CS); he's crazy about o mad on olives ( colloq)
    4 ( fam) (preocupado) worried sick ( colloq)
    anda (como) loco con las pruebas he's worried sick about the tests
    (indicando gran cantidad): tengo unas ganas locas de verla I'm really looking forward to seeing her, I'm dying to see her ( colloq)
    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    la obra tuvo un éxito loco the play was hugely successful
    tienen la guita loca ( RPl arg); they're rolling in it ( colloq), they're absolutely loaded ( colloq)
    2 loco DE algo:
    estaba loca de alegría or de contenta she was incredibly happy, she was over the moon ( BrE colloq)
    está loco de ira/celos he's wild with anger/jealousy
    estaba loco de dolor he was racked with pain
    está loca de amor por él she's madly in love with him
    (CS fam) (indicando poca cantidad): por cuatro clientes locos que puedan venir, no vamos a abrir it's not worth opening up just for a few odd customers
    loco2 -ca
    masculine, feminine
    A (enfermo mental) ( masculine) madman; ( feminine) madwoman
    se puso como un loco al oír la noticia he went crazy o mad when he heard the news
    maneja or ( Esp) conduce como un loco he drives like a madman o lunatic
    corrimos como locos para alcanzar el autobús ( fam); we ran like crazy o mad to catch the bus ( colloq)
    gritaba como una loca she was shouting like a madwoman, she was shouting her head off ( colloq)
    ¡qué desorganización, esto es de locos! what chaos! this is pure o sheer madness!
    el loco de Javier se ha venido a pie Javier walked here, madman that he is
    hoy en día hay mucho loco suelto ( fam); there are a lot of loonies o nutcases o weirdos about these days ( colloq)
    cada loco con su tema ( fam); to each his own, each to his own ( BrE)
    ahora le ha dado por el budismocada loco con su tema she's into Buddhism now — oh well, each to his own o ( colloq) whatever turns you on
    hacer el loco ( Chi fam); to make a fool of oneself
    hacerse el loco to act dumb ( colloq)
    no te hagas el loco don't act dumb, don't pretend you haven't seen/heard
    la loca de la casa ( liter); the imagination
    loco masculine ( Chi) ( Zool) abalone
    loco masculine ( RPl arg) (hombre) guy ( colloq), bloke ( BrE colloq)
    * * *


    loco 1
    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    a) (Med, Psic) mad, insane

    b) ( chiflado) crazy (colloq), nuts (colloq);

    eso no lo hago (pero) ni loco there's no way I'd do that;
    hacer algo a lo loco to do sth any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how (colloq);
    estar loco de remate (fam) to be completely nuts (colloq);
    tener or (Esp) traer loco a algn to be driving sb crazy (colloq);
    volver loco a algn to drive sb crazy (colloq);
    volverse loco to go mad

    está loco por volver he's dying to come back (colloq)
    d) (fam) ( ajetreado):

    tuvo una suerte loca she was incredibly lucky
    f) estar loco de algo: ‹de entusiasmo/furia/celos› to be wild with sth;

    de dolor/remordimiento› to be racked with sth;

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( enfermo mental) (m) madman;
    (f) madwoman;
    se puso como un loco he went crazy o mad;

    corrimos como locos (fam) we ran like crazy o mad (colloq);
    hacerse el loco to act dumb (colloq)
    loco 2 sustantivo masculino (Chi) (Zool) abalone
    I adjetivo
    1 mad, crazy
    volverse loco, to lose one's mind o to go mad
    2 (deseoso) estoy loco por ir a París, I'm eager to travel to Paris
    3 (entusiasmado) está loca de alegría, she's thrilled
    está loco por las motos, he's crazy about motorbikes
    II m,f (hombre) madman, (mujer) madwoman
    ♦ Locuciones: hacerse el loco, to act the fool
    familiar ¡ni loco!, I'd sooner die!
    familiar traer/volver loco a alguien, to drive sb crazy
    a lo loco, crazily

    ' loco' also found in these entries:
    - chiflada
    - chiflado
    - conforme
    - enajenar
    - enajenarse
    - estragos
    - hormigueo
    - ida
    - ido
    - loc. cit.
    - loca
    - tema
    - tocada
    - tocado
    - trastocarse
    - trastornar
    - volver
    - volverse
    - carro
    - maniaco
    - perdido
    - poner
    - rayado
    - rayar
    - rematado
    - away
    - bend
    - berserk
    - beside
    - bit
    - bonkers
    - certifiable
    - change over
    - cracker
    - crazy
    - cuckoo
    - delirious
    - demented
    - drive
    - gaga
    - head
    - hijack
    - insane
    - loony
    - lunatic
    - mad
    - madly
    - madman
    - maniac
    - mind
    - moon
    - nut
    - nuts
    - nutter
    - nutty
    - parched
    - potshot
    - rampage
    - raving
    - roadhog
    - send
    - some
    - something
    - stark
    - wall
    - wild
    - wildly
    - wind up
    - wit
    - bumper car
    - cracked
    - fear
    - flap
    - go
    * * *
    loco, -a
    1. [demente] mad, crazy;
    volver loco a alguien [enajenar, aturdir] to drive sb mad;
    esos martillazos en la pared me van a volver loco that hammering on the wall is driving me mad;
    el dolor lo volvía loco the pain was driving him mad;
    volverse loco to go mad;
    este niño me trae loco this child is driving me mad;
    estar loco de atar o [m5] de remate to be stark raving mad;
    ¡ni loco! (absolutely) no way!;
    ¡no lo haría ni loco! there's no way you'd get me doing that!
    2. [insensato] mad, crazy;
    no seas loca, es muy peligroso don't be (so) stupid, it's very dangerous;
    está medio loco pero es muy simpático he's a bit crazy, but he's very nice with it;
    a lo loco [sin pensar] hastily;
    [temerariamente] wildly;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja a lo loco he drives like a madman
    3. [apasionado, entusiasmado] mad, crazy;
    la abuela está loca con su nieto the grandmother's mad o crazy about her grandson;
    estar loco de contento/pasión to be wild with joy/passion;
    estar loco de amor to be madly in love;
    estar loco de celos to be wildly o insanely jealous;
    estar loco de ira to be raging mad;
    estar o CSur [m5]ser loco por algo/alguien to be mad about sth/sb;
    está o CSur [m5] es loco por ella [enamorado] he's madly in love with her, he's crazy about her;
    está loca por conocerte she's dying to meet you;
    está (como) loco por que lleguen los invitados he's desperate for the guests to arrive, he can't wait for the guests to arrive;
    le vuelve loco el fútbol he's mad about soccer o Br football, he's soccer-crazy o Br football-crazy;
    la vuelve loca la paella she absolutely adores paella
    4. [muy ajetreado] mad, hectic;
    llevamos una semana loca it's been a mad week for us
    5. [enorme]
    tengo unas ganas locas de conocer Italia I'm absolutely dying to go to Italy;
    tuvimos una suerte loca we were extraordinarily o amazingly lucky;
    RP Fam
    tener la guita loca to be rolling in it
    6. RP Fam [insignificante]
    sólo van a venir tres o cuatro invitados locos only a handful of guests will show up;
    no nos vamos a pelear por dos pesos locos let's not quarrel over a few measly pesos
    1. [enfermo] [hombre] lunatic, madman;
    [mujer] lunatic, madwoman;
    conduce o Am [m5] maneja como un loco he drives like a madman;
    corrimos como locos we ran like mad o crazy;
    el loco de tu marido se puso a chillar that madman husband of yours started shouting;
    ponerse como un loco [enfadarse] to go mad;
    sería de locos empezar de nuevo todo el trabajo it would be crazy o madness to start the whole job over again;
    ¡deja de hacer el loco! stop messing around!;
    cada loco con su tema: ya está otra vez Santi con lo del yoga, cada loco con su tema Santi's going on about yoga again, the man's obsessed!;
    hacerse el loco to play dumb, to pretend not to understand
    2. RP, Ven Fam [como apelativo]
    este loco se encarga de todo this guy's in charge of everything;
    loco, vení para acá come over here, Br mate o US buddy
    3. Chile [molusco comestible] false abalone
    * * *
    I adj mad, crazy;
    a lo loco fam ( sin pensar) hastily;
    es para volverse loco it’s enough to drive you mad o crazy;
    remate completely mad;
    estar loco de alegría be insanely happy;
    estar loco por alguien be mad o crazy about s.o.
    II m
    1 madman;
    cada loco con su tema each to his own;
    hacer el loco make a fool of o.s.
    loco, ayudame help me, pal
    * * *
    loco, -ca adj
    1) demente: crazy, insane, mad
    a lo loco : wildly, recklessly
    volverse loco : to go mad
    loco, -ca n
    1) : crazy person, lunatic
    hacerse el loco : to act the fool
    * * *
    loco1 adj crazy [comp. crazier; superl. craziest] / mad [comp. madder; superl. maddest]
    loco2 n lunatic

    Spanish-English dictionary > loco

  • 3 locura

    1 madness.
    2 crazy idea.
    3 folly, crazy act, act of madness, piece of folly.
    * * *
    1 (perturbación) madness, insanity
    2 (insensatez) folly
    con locura madly
    hacer una locura to do something silly
    ¡qué locura! it's mad!
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=demencia) madness, insanity
    2) (=exceso)

    ¡qué locura! — it's madness!

    me gusta con locura* I'm crazy about it

    es una casa de locura* it's a smashing house *

    precios de locura* fantastic prices

    tener o sentir locura por algn — to be crazy about sb

    3) (=acto)
    * * *
    a) (Med) madness, insanity
    b) ( insensatez) crazy thing (colloq)
    * * *
    = frenzy, wild thought, absurdity, folly, derangement, madness, insanity, lunacy, bedlam, craziness.
    Ex. The ALA and some of its members seem to have taken in upon themselves to whip up a frenzy of public relations style fantasy that market reality simply cannot match.
    Ex. A wild thought of leaving the DPL shot through her mind and was gone.
    Ex. It is true that the newspapers sensationalized some of the Community's absurdities and gave prominence to the unpopular practice of disposing of surplus food at taxpayers' expense.
    Ex. The attempt to train young people in this kind of discrimination seems to me to be a folly, if not a crime.
    Ex. George Watson Cole refers to his mental derangement and pecuniary embarrassment.
    Ex. The title of the article is 'Methods and madness of migration to micros'.
    Ex. The early psychiatric profession believed in the effectiveness of reading as a treatment for insanity.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Certifiable lunacy or common sense? Combining your adult and juvenile collections'.
    Ex. In subsequent years, Bethlem became ' Bedlam,' a metaphor for madness; being so long the only public receptacle for the insane, it became equated with madness itself.
    Ex. As for you, try to isolate yourself from all this craziness that have been going around you.
    * amar con locura = love + Nombre + to bits.
    * locuras = zaniness.
    * parecer una locura = sound + crazy.
    * * *
    a) (Med) madness, insanity
    b) ( insensatez) crazy thing (colloq)
    * * *
    = frenzy, wild thought, absurdity, folly, derangement, madness, insanity, lunacy, bedlam, craziness.

    Ex: The ALA and some of its members seem to have taken in upon themselves to whip up a frenzy of public relations style fantasy that market reality simply cannot match.

    Ex: A wild thought of leaving the DPL shot through her mind and was gone.
    Ex: It is true that the newspapers sensationalized some of the Community's absurdities and gave prominence to the unpopular practice of disposing of surplus food at taxpayers' expense.
    Ex: The attempt to train young people in this kind of discrimination seems to me to be a folly, if not a crime.
    Ex: George Watson Cole refers to his mental derangement and pecuniary embarrassment.
    Ex: The title of the article is 'Methods and madness of migration to micros'.
    Ex: The early psychiatric profession believed in the effectiveness of reading as a treatment for insanity.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Certifiable lunacy or common sense? Combining your adult and juvenile collections'.
    Ex: In subsequent years, Bethlem became ' Bedlam,' a metaphor for madness; being so long the only public receptacle for the insane, it became equated with madness itself.
    Ex: As for you, try to isolate yourself from all this craziness that have been going around you.
    * amar con locura = love + Nombre + to bits.
    * locuras = zaniness.
    * parecer una locura = sound + crazy.

    * * *
    1 ( Med) madness, insanity
    ataque de locura fit of madness
    2 (insensatez) crazy thing ( colloq)
    hizo muchas locuras en su juventud she did a lot of crazy things in her youth ( colloq)
    lo que dices es una locura what you're saying is sheer o complete madness
    cometió la locura de casarse a los quince años she committed the folly of getting married at fifteen
    gastó una locura en ese coche he spent a ridiculous amount on that car
    (inclinación exagerada): siente locura por la pequeña she's absolutely mad about o besotted with the little one ( colloq)
    la quiero/me gusta con locura I'm crazy o mad o wild about her ( colloq)
    * * *


    locura sustantivo femenino

    lo que hizo/dijo fue una locura what he did/said was sheer madness

    la quiero con locura I'm crazy about her (colloq)
    locura sustantivo femenino madness, insanity: ¡no lo hagas!, ¡es una locura!, don't do it, it's insane!
    ' locura' also found in these entries:
    - esperar
    - filo
    - borde
    - feign
    - folly
    - insanity
    - lunacy
    - madly
    - madness
    - streak
    - verge on
    - amok
    - look
    * * *
    locura nf
    1. [demencia] madness;
    la mató en un arrebato de locura he killed her in a fit of madness
    2. [imprudencia]
    hacer locuras to do stupid o crazy things;
    decir locuras to talk nonsense;
    temía que hiciera una locura I was afraid he might do something desperate;
    sería una locura hacerlo it would be folly o madness to do it
    3. [exageración]
    estos precios son una locura these prices are extortionate;
    con locura madly;
    se quieren con locura they're madly in love (with one another)
    una locura [mucho] a fortune, a ridiculous amount;
    gastar una locura to spend a fortune
    * * *
    f madness;
    es una locura it’s madness;
    de locura fam crazy
    * * *
    locura nf
    1) : insanity, madness
    2) : crazy thing, folly
    * * *
    locura n madness

    Spanish-English dictionary > locura

  • 4 У-92

    СХОДИТЬ/СОЙТИ С УМА VP subj: human
    1. to become insane
    X сошёл с ума - X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head)
    X lost his mind X went (a)round the bend.
    Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
    «У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни» (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll ( var. with посходить is used with pl subj) to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane
    X с ума сошёл - X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc)
    X has gone berserk (nuts etc) X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc) X has taken leave of his senses.
    «Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят» (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy, all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
    Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (1 la).
    Нина:) Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его (Васеньку), защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... (Васенька:) Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). (N.:) Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him (Vasenka), defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... ( V.:) I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
    «Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!»(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
    Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки» (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "Twenty phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll (pfv past only
    2nd or 3rd pers only) used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o. 's irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc: ты с ума сошёл! = you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)! are you crazy! you're nuts (crazy etc)!
    «Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда», - сказал Дима... «На родину предков?» - спросил Антон. «Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж» (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima...."To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
    ...Он (пассажир) взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. «Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. -Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!» - «Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?» (Залыгин 1)....He (the passenger) took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
    Забегает в бар молодой парень и — к бармену: „В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: „С ума сошли!"» (Черненок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. \У-92 (от чего) ( impfv only) to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc)
    X с ума сходит (от Y-a) = (in response to worry, alarm etc) X is going (is nearly) out of his mind ( head) (with Y)
    X is crazy with Y Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane) (in response to joy, happiness) X is (going) wild with Y.
    «Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. - Где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили...» (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
    «Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину...» (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
    Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает» (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. \У-92 от кого-чего, no кому-чему, no ком coll (prep obj: more often human
    impfv only) to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.: X с ума сходит no Y-y = X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y X loses his head over Y.
    ...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
    Женщины от него (Кирсанова) с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-92

  • 5 посходить с ума

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to become insane:
    - X сошёл с ума X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head);
    - X went (a)round the bend.
         ♦ Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
         ♦ "У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни" (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll [var. with посходить is used with pl subj]
    to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane:
    - X с ума сошёл X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc);
    - X has gone berserk (nuts etc);
    - X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc);
    - X has taken leave of his senses.
         ♦ "Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят" (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy; all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
         ♦ Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (11a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.: ] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
         ♦ "Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!"(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
         ♦ "Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки" (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "TVventy phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll [pfv past only; 2nd or 3rd pers only]
    used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o.'s irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc:
    - ты с ума сошёл! you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)!;
    - are you crazy!;
    - you're nuts (crazy etc)!
         ♦ "Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда", - сказал Дима... "На родину предков?" - спросил Антон. "Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж" (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima.... "To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
         ♦...Он [пассажир] взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. "Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. - Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!" - "Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?" (Залыгин 1).... Не [the passenger] took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
         ♦ "Забегает в бар молодой парень и - к бармену: "В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: "С ума сошли!"" (Чернёнок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. посходить с ума (от чего) [impfv only]
    to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc):
    - X с ума сходит (от Y-a) [in response to worry, alarm etc] X is going (is nearly) out of his mind (head) (with Y);
    - Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane);
    - [in response to joy, happiness] X is (going) wild with Y.
         ♦ "Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. -где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили..." (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
         ♦ "Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает" (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. посходить с ума от кого-чего, по кому-чему, по ком coll [prep obj: more often human; impfv only]
    to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.:
    - X с ума сходит no Y-y X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y;
    - X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y;
    - X loses his head over Y.
         ♦...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
         ♦ Женщины от него [Кирсанова] с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > посходить с ума

  • 6 сойти с ума

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to become insane:
    - X сошёл с ума X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head);
    - X went (a)round the bend.
         ♦ Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
         ♦ "У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни" (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll [var. with посходить is used with pl subj]
    to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane:
    - X с ума сошёл X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc);
    - X has gone berserk (nuts etc);
    - X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc);
    - X has taken leave of his senses.
         ♦ "Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят" (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy; all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
         ♦ Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (11a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.: ] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
         ♦ "Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!"(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
         ♦ "Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки" (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "TVventy phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll [pfv past only; 2nd or 3rd pers only]
    used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o.'s irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc:
    - ты с ума сошёл! you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)!;
    - are you crazy!;
    - you're nuts (crazy etc)!
         ♦ "Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда", - сказал Дима... "На родину предков?" - спросил Антон. "Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж" (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima.... "To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
         ♦...Он [пассажир] взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. "Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. - Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!" - "Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?" (Залыгин 1).... Не [the passenger] took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
         ♦ "Забегает в бар молодой парень и - к бармену: "В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: "С ума сошли!"" (Чернёнок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. сойти с ума (от чего) [impfv only]
    to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc):
    - X с ума сходит (от Y-a) [in response to worry, alarm etc] X is going (is nearly) out of his mind (head) (with Y);
    - Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane);
    - [in response to joy, happiness] X is (going) wild with Y.
         ♦ "Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. -где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили..." (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
         ♦ "Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает" (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. сойти с ума от кого-чего, по кому-чему, по ком coll [prep obj: more often human; impfv only]
    to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.:
    - X с ума сходит no Y-y X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y;
    - X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y;
    - X loses his head over Y.
         ♦...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
         ♦ Женщины от него [Кирсанова] с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сойти с ума

  • 7 сходить с ума

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to become insane:
    - X сошёл с ума X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head);
    - X went (a)round the bend.
         ♦ Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
         ♦ "У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни" (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll [var. with посходить is used with pl subj]
    to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane:
    - X с ума сошёл X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc);
    - X has gone berserk (nuts etc);
    - X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc);
    - X has taken leave of his senses.
         ♦ "Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят" (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy; all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
         ♦ Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (11a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.: ] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
         ♦ "Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!"(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
         ♦ "Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки" (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "TVventy phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll [pfv past only; 2nd or 3rd pers only]
    used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o.'s irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc:
    - ты с ума сошёл! you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)!;
    - are you crazy!;
    - you're nuts (crazy etc)!
         ♦ "Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда", - сказал Дима... "На родину предков?" - спросил Антон. "Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж" (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima.... "To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
         ♦...Он [пассажир] взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. "Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. - Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!" - "Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?" (Залыгин 1).... Не [the passenger] took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
         ♦ "Забегает в бар молодой парень и - к бармену: "В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: "С ума сошли!"" (Чернёнок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. сходить с ума (от чего) [impfv only]
    to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc):
    - X с ума сходит (от Y-a) [in response to worry, alarm etc] X is going (is nearly) out of his mind (head) (with Y);
    - Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane);
    - [in response to joy, happiness] X is (going) wild with Y.
         ♦ "Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. -где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили..." (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
         ♦ "Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает" (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. сходить с ума от кого-чего, по кому-чему, по ком coll [prep obj: more often human; impfv only]
    to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.:
    - X с ума сходит no Y-y X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y;
    - X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y;
    - X loses his head over Y.
         ♦...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
         ♦ Женщины от него [Кирсанова] с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сходить с ума

  • 8 VAN-

    a prefixed particle denoting lacking, under-, un-.
    * * *
    a particle prefixed to nouns and adverbs, [cp. vanr; Goth. and A. S. wan-, deficient; O. H. G. wana-]:—lacking, wanting: only used as a compd except in the phrase, of og van, or það er of sem van, now too much, now too little.
    B. In COMPDS van- is freq. as a prefixed particle, mostly denoting lacking, slowly, short, not sufficient, under-, but also simply as a negative, much like Gr. δυσ-: van-afla, -afli, adj. weak, waning in strength, Al. 5. Fms. vi. 107, Sks. 590. van-alinn, part. under-fed, Grág. i. 455. van-brúka. ð, to misuse; mod. van-brúkun, f. a misuse. van-burða, adj. born prematurely; v. eldi. 656 B. 7. van-búinn, part. unprepared, Korm. 202, Ld. 324, Fms. vi. 214, vii. 127, viii. 288. van-drengr, m. a bad man, Fs. 166. van-dæmt, part. under-judging, i. e. too leniently: hafa v. eða ofdæmt, Grág. (pref.) van-efni, n. pl. lack of means, Grág. i. 257, Band. 31 new Ed., Fms. viii. 23. van-erð, f.(?). inferiority, N. G. L. i. 212. van-farinn, part. in a strait, Fas. i. 518 (see also the verse); vér erum vanfarnir hjá honum, we are much short of him, Orkn. 332. van-ferli, n. things going wrong, Fms. x. 131. van-festr, part. badly fastened, MS. 4. 8. van-fylgt, n. part.; hafa v. e-m, to back one slowly, Bs. i. 739. van-færi, n. disability, Stj. 1. van-færr, adj. disabled, infirm, Fms. ii. 146, x. 354, xi. 325, Fas. i. 532, Bs. i. 393; vanærr ok ílla heill, Hom. 122. van-gá, f. lack of care. van-gefinn, see vargefinn. van-gerðing, f. a defective fencing, Gpl. 382. van-geymsla, u, f. = vangá, Ld. 128, Jb. 42, Dipl. v. 26. van-geymt, n. part.; hafa v. e-s, to neglect, H. E. ii. 110. van-giptr, part. married beneath one, Nj. 17, v. l. van-goldit, part. n. underpaid, Ó. H. 87. van-gætt, n. part. = vangeymt, Gþl. 463. van-gæzla, u, f. = vangeymsla, Grág. ii. 341, Fms. viii. 364. van-görr, part. defective, imperfect, imperfectly done, half done, Fms. vi. 13, x. 318, Bs. i. 59; ung Kristni ok mjök vangör, Fbr. 7; mér sýndisk vangört, faulty, Fms. x. 320. van-haft, n. part.; hafa v., not to get one’s due, Grág. i. 265. van-haga, að; impers., mig vanhagar um e-t, to miss a thing, want. van-hagr, m. dismay, disadvantage, Grág. ii. 49, Fms. xi. 245, Fær. 7: misconduct, Bs. i. 687. van-hald, n. a damage, loss; bíða vanhald af e-m, Fms. x. 421: in plur. ill-luck, thriftlessness, Band. 37 new Ed. van-haldinn, part. getting less than one’s due, wronged, H. E. ii. 126; ef þú þykkisk v., Ld. 108, Slurl. i. 77 C, Fas. ii. 297. van-hefnt, n. part. (better var-hefnt), Nj. 280, v. l. van-heiðr, m. dishonour, H. E. i. 562, Fas. ii. 289. van-heila, u, f. = vanheilsa, Bs. i. 353. van-heilagr, adj. profane. van-heilindi, n. failing health, illness, Fms. vii. 208, viii. 280, H. E. i. 12. van-heill, adj. [A. S. wanhâl], not hale, disabled, ill, Grág. i. 50, Fms. x. 420; e-m verðr vanheilt, to be taken ill, Grág. i. 277: = pregnant, Bret. 10. van-heilligr, adj. ill, wretched, Fms. vii. 30. van-heilsa, u, f. failing health, illness, Bs. i. 83, 84, 353 (v. l.), Grág. i. 226, Fms. vii. 157, passim. van-helga, að, to profane. van-helti, f., better vammhelti, q. v., Jb. 366 A. van-henta, t, to stand in need of, to want; hann kvað sér v. annat, he said it was not that he wanted, Ld. 212. van-hentr, adj.; e-m er e-t vanhent, it suits one not well, Fms. x. 260. van-herðr, part. not pushed up to one’s mettle, Fas. iii. 487. van-hirða, t; v. um e-t, to neglect. van-hirðing, f. = vangeymsla. van-hirzla, u, f. = vanhirðing, Sks. 446. van-hluta, adj. unfairly dealt with; verða v., to be worsted, Bjarn. 56, Ísl. ii. 255, Grág. i. 157, ii. 92, Fms. i. 306; rétta þeirra hlut er áðr eru v., Eb. 156. van-hlutr, m. an unfair share, Sturl. i. 47 C. van-hugaðr, n. part. [? A. S. vanhygig]; e-t er v. í máli, it was not well considered, Lv. 30. van-hyggja, u, f. a lack of forethought, Ld. 152; bæta fyrir vanhyggju mína, Valla L. 209. van-kunnandi, part. wanting in knowledge, ignorant, ill-informed, Gþl. van-kunnigr, adj. ignorant. van-kunnindi, f. ignorance, Gþl. (pref.) van-kunnusta (mod. van-kunnátta), u, f. want of knowledge, ignorance, H. E. i. 479. van-leitað, n. part.; e-s er v., examined imperfectly, Bs. i. 329. van-lofaðr, part. under-praised, Fms. vi. 196. van-lokinn, part. half paid, of debt; vanloknar skuldir, Grág. i. 93. van-luktr, part. half finished; ganga frá mörgu vanluktu, Sturl. iii. 279. van-lykta, að, to leave unfinished, H. E. i. 409. van-lyktir, f. pl.; með vanlyktum, unfinished, half done, Fms. vi. 13; ok var at vanlykðum nökkut, er hón þó höfuð hans, Ísl. ii. 333; hvárigar vanlykðir ( faults) er þær koma á goðans hendi, Grág. i. 94. van-mátta, adj. weak, sick, sore; í tána þá er v. var, a sore toe, Hrafn. 15. van-máttigr, adj. failing in strength, weak, impotent, Fms. v. 163. van-máttr, m. failing strength, illness, Eg. 565, Vápn. 17, Fms. ii. 12, Bs. i. 84. van-megin, n. weakness, Fms. vii. 156: a swoon, fainting, sló yfir mik hræzlu ok vanmegni, 108. van-meginn (van-megn, Stj. 20), adj. weak, feeble, Fms. i. 305, Stj. 20, v. l.; v. af megri, Fb. iii. 447; höndina þá má vanmegnu, an infirm hand, Sturl. i. 189. van-megna, adj. = vanmeginn. van-megna, að, to weaken; v. sterkjan hug, Al. 6: reflex., vanmegnast, to faint, sink down, Vídal. passim. van-menni, n. (van-menna, u, f., Lv. 30; vanmennur þær, Fms. xi. 257), a worthless person, Gísl. 149, Vápn. 15, Fms. iii. 149. van-meta, adj. in a weak, bad condition; var fótrinn v., of a sick leg. Bs. i. 344; vanmeta skepna, an ill-favoured creature. van-metnaðr, m. a disgrace, Grett. 160 A. van-mettr, part. hungry, Sól. 3. van-mælt, n. part.; eiga e-t vanmælt, if thou hast anything unsaid, anything to say, Bs. i. 668; hvárt mér verðr ofmælt eðr vanmælt, Nj. 232. van-mætti, n. an infirmity. van-refsaðr, part. not duly punished, Sturl. ii. 10. van-refst, n. part. = refsað; ef v. er af dómarans hendi, Gþl. 172. van-rekstr, m. = vanréttr, Fms. xi. 253, v. l. van-rétti, n. loss of right, Ls. 40; þola v., Ó. H. 238: a defeat, Ísl. ii. 367. van-réttr, m. = vanrétti, Fms. xi. 253. van-rækiliga, adv. carelessly, slovenly, Bs. i. (Laur. S.) van-rækja, t, to disregard, Stj. 157, Fms. xi. 423, K. Á. 72: reflex., vanrækjask e-n, Fms. viii. 252. van-rækt, f. lack of care, Gþl. 332, H. E. i. 251, Dipl. ii. 14. van-rætt, n. part. not fully discussed; v. er um e-t, Sks. 271 B. van-samit, part. unsettled, Stj. van-semd, f. a disgrace, offence, Bjarn. 67. van-signaðr, part. cursed, Stj., MS. 655 xx. 3. van-skörungr, m. = vandrengr, Fs. 4, Eg. 730. van-spurt, n. part. left unasked, Sks. 52, 191. van-stilli, n. lack of moderation, intemperance, Al. 45, 71; gefa svá kappsamliga mat, er á þessu mikit vanstilli, no measure, Ísl. ii. 337, Fms. vii. 162 (of a fit of insanity); v. lopts, Al. 55; þurfa menn ekki hér at lýsa v. ( men need not shew ill temper) fyrir þessa sök, Sturl. i. 101 C. van-stilling, f. = vanstilli. Hom. 25. van-stilltr, part. wanting in tempcr, rash, Fms. i. 207, x. 264; marglyndr, vandlyndr ok v., wanting in temper, 420; v. í orðum, vi. 324: excessive, Stj. 142. van-svarat, n. part. insufficiently answered, of a question; hafa v., H. E. ii. 93; vanspurt eða v., Sks. 270. van-svefta, adj. having too little sleep. van-sæmd, f. dishonour, contumely, Fms. ii. 291, vi. 109. van-sætti, n. discord, Sturl. i. 101, v. l. van-sök, f. a fault, offence, Magn. 524. van-talað, n. part. = vanmælt; er enn mart vantalað, Lv. 20; á ek við hvárigan ykkarn vantalað, I want to speak to neither of you, Fms. v. 327. van-talit ( van-talt), n. part. not full accounted for, short in the tally, Glúm. 385; oftalt, vantalt, Gþl. 478. van-tekit, n. part. pulled insufficiently, Eb. 242. van-traust, n. a lack of trust. van-trú, f. unbelief [Dan. vantro]; villa ok v., K. Á. 218, H. E. i. 390, Vídal. van-trúaðr, part. unbelieving, N. T., Vídal. van-trúnaðr, m. distrust, Fms. i. x. 398. van-unninn, part. unfinished; vanunnin verk, Grág. i. 157; lítið vas eptir vanunnit ( undone) í víngarðinum, Greg. 57. van-virða, t, to disregard, dishonour, put to shame, Ísl. ii. 238; affæra ok v., Bs. i. (Laur. S.): part. vanvirðr, Fms. ii. 67, Fs. 183; vanvirt, Fms. v. 326. van-virða, u, f. a disgrace, Fs. 60, 159, Eb. 128. van-virðing, f. = vanvirða, Fms. ix. 278, 289, Gþl. 157, 181. vanvirðu-lauss, adj. not disgracing, Grett. 118. van-virkja, u, f. a defect, fault, Stj. 158, Ísl. ii. 201, v. l. van-vit, n. [Dan. van-vid = insanity], want of thought, Nj. 135, v. l. van-vita, adj. insane, N. G. L. i. 213, Js. 79. van-vitað, n. part. not quite known; enn er v. nökkut um sættina, Bjarn. 56. van-vizka, u. f. foolishness, Al. 115. van-þakkað, n. part. not duly thanked; eiga e-m e-t v. van-þakklátr, adj. ungrateful. van-þakklæti, n. ingratitude. van-þekking, f. lack of knowledge. van-þyrmsla, u, f. violation; v. hátiða, Hom. 146. van-þökk, f. unthankfulness.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > VAN-

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